#100: Django Seminar 08/17/2013 Write Up

So, my first Django Seminar (08/17/2013) has been over. It was more successful than I'd thought. There were about 13 people attended, most of them were students.

I worked through some must-known general ideas in web development such as:

* MVC architecture, and how it was implemented in Django as MTV
* Steps to build a Django application in my recommend environment, Ubuntu:

+ Install python-pip
+ Install virtualenv using pip
+ Create a virtualenv and activate it.
+ Install Django inside the virtualenv.
+ Create a django project using django-admin.py startproject command.
+ Create a django app using ./manage.py startapp command.
+ Modify settings.py
+ Define the database structure
+ Design the template part (html)
+ Map between views and url

* I built the demo project completely using terminal and nano editor.

The slide:

Here are some photos of the event:

At the end of the presentation, everyone suggested that we should organize a monthly meet-up like this, one topic per month. So, cool!

